Current Sermon Series

Flourishing: Healthy Then–Healthy Now

In an unprecedented moment in history, the book of Acts demonstrates the explosive nature of the gospel that transformed the world forever. Throughout the book, God is on the move—on the move in multiple directions, across all levels of society—transforming, renewing, and equipping His children to live out their faith in a multi-cultural, multi-generational context. 

Exploring what a healthy church looked like then, we will also be exploring what a healthy church looks like now. Make it a priority to join us on Sunday mornings as we seek to learn what it means to live out our faith in a 21st-century downtown context and prayerfully wonder: Could God move in such a way today?

Please join us on Sundays at 8:30am and 11:00am in the Sanctuary or 10:45am in the Worship & Arts Center (Ignite), or click here to join us online during the livestream services at 8:30am, 10:45am (Ignite), and 11:00am.

Worship Bulletins Flourishing Series Bookmark

Flourishing: Healthy Then–Healthy Now

Past Sermon Series