About Children's Ministry

"...growing in the knowledge of God"

Colossians 1:10

Music & Worship Arts

Welcome to the Children’s Ministry at First Pres! Our goal is to inspire each child toward a relationship with Jesus Christ and to discover God’s mission for their lives, while weaving the thread of spiritual growth into their world. We provide age-specific activities and programs designed to help kids feel loved and welcomed in a safe environment .

Some of our offerings include a weekday Nursery School, First Presbyterian Academy, Sunday School and Kid’s Church, Wednesday night programming, and an annual Vacation Bible School. We’re also active in our communities, doing service projects to help our neighbors and supporting families with children who are in foster care or have special needs. We’d love to have you join us!

Featured Video:
Orphan Sunday

The Road to Grace
"Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him" (Psalm 127:30). God calls us to care for and watch over all His children. In addition to loving and sharing the gospel with all of the children who come to our church, our staff and members actively minister to families who are fostering or adopting.

Children's Weekly Schedule


EARLY SERVICE: 8:15a - 9:30a

Childcare for children birth - 4 years • Nursery Suite

NURSERY: 8:30a - 12:10p

Age 0–24 months • Nursery Suite

SUNDAY SCHOOL: 9:30a - 10:30a

Large group worship and small group breakouts

Age 2 • C103
Age 3 • C105
Age 4 • C104
Age 5 • C202

1st grade • C204
2nd grade • C203
3rd grade • C302
4th grade • C303
5th grade boys • C305
5th grade girls • C307

KIDS CHURCH: 10:30a - 12:10p

Large group worship and teaching; small group breakouts

Age 0–24 months • Nursery Suite
Age 2 • C103
Age 3 • C105
Age 4 • C104
K5 • C202
1st-5th grade • We encourage this age group to attend worship with their families. Exceptions are made for children whose parents are serving during Kids Church, as well as children with special needs who may have difficulty in the adult services.


WEDNESDAY NIGHTS: 6:00p – 7:15p
During the school year and Wednesday GROW
G - games & fellowship
R - reading His Word together
O - outreach so others can know Him
W - worshiping the Lord

Age 0–24 months • Nursery Suite

Ages 2-3 • Bible Lesson and playtime in Room C103
Ages 4-5 • Music Activity in C205 then Bible Lesson • C201

1st-2nd grade • Bible Lesson in C201 then Music Activity • C205
3rd-5th grade • Bible Lesson in C301

*When adult classes are scheduled past 7:15p, children may remain in their classes.


Evelyn Penkert • epenkert@firstpresgreenville.org • 565.0963 (for age 5 and under) or Karen King • kking@firstpresgreenville.org • 565.0936 (for 1st-5th grade).

Click Here for a virtual tour of the new Children's Wing.

Special Needs Ministry

Our special needs ministry exists to glorify God by sharing the unconditional love and acceptance of Jesus and His word with children of all abilities, while supporting and encouraging their families. We believe that every child is made in God's image and is a unique and valuable part of God's creation and our church. Regardless of abilities, your child has a God-given purpose that we want to nurture and support.

We can provide one-on-one volunteers who are background checked and trained to support children with different abilities as they participate with their neuro-typical peers.

If you have a child with special needs and would like assistance on Sunday mornings, please contact Tina Jones to discuss how we can best come alongside your family (call 565.0921 or email tjones@firstpresgreenville.org).

You may also fill out the Special Needs Care form and bring it with you.

Special Needs Care Form   Buddy Break Info 

First Presbyterian Nursery School

First Pres Nursery School is a registered program that serves parents of children ages three months through two years. Our goal is to help infants and toddlers feel happy and secure at church, feel good about themselves, and learn that God loves them. We provide opportunities for their spiritual, social, and developmental growth through play activities in a Christian environment.

Visit FPC Nursery Website

Foster & Adoption Ministry

James wrote, “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: take care of orphans and widows in their affliction, and keep oneself unstained from the world” (James 1:27). Whether you are trying to start a family, have already adopted, or feel called to follow through on this mandate in one way or another, we have a place for you. Some opportunities include:

  • helping with childcare at the annual Foster Family Celebration
  • assisting widows with handyman-type chores
  • becoming a foster parent
  • offering respite to foster families for an evening or a weekend
  • offering rides to medical appointments
  • training to become a child advocate (guardian ad-litem)
  • tutoring a child in foster care
  • leading a support group for moms or dads
  • becoming a mentor to a child in foster care
  • volunteering with the Isaiah 117 House ministry

This list is not exhaustive. We're not all called to do the same thing, but we're all certainly capable of doing something.
For information, contact Tina Jones at tjones@firstpresgreenville.org or 565.0921.

Ways to Help

Route 56: Fifth Grade Transition

GOING and…Growing in the Knowledge of God

Fifth graders! Come join our fun events on Route 56, the road from 5th to 6th Grade. We will be going and growing in the knowledge of God as we fellowship, study, and go out in our community to share the love of Christ. Look for the special Route 56 logo in your mailbox, email, and Connect@First newsletter so you won’t miss out on any of our exciting “road trips.”

Our local service projects/missions and time spent with God give our 5th graders an opportunity to be the hands and feet of Christ to our church family and our community. Seasonal parties include our annual Regressive dinner in January and several other fellowship opportunities in the fall and spring. Summer events include the Junior High Youth in order to build relationships with our 6th-8th grade Youth before moving up to Junior High in late August. Join us on our trip along Route 56!

For more information, contact Karen King at kking@firstpresgreenville.org or 565.0936.

Music Ministry for Children

Cherub and Carol Choirs (Ages 4-5)

The Cherub and Carol Choirs rehearse separately and usually perform together. The Carol Choir may have additional repertoire and singing opportunities. The two choirs share a conductor and the choir time is integrated into our Wednesday Advantage program (Wednesday night program with family dinner and programming for all ages). The rehearsal time is paired with age-level Bible study.

Rehearsal & Bible Lesson: 6:15–7:15pm
          Rehearsal - 6:15
          Bible Lesson - 6:45
Scope: September through May (mirrors Wednesday Advantage schedule)
Ages : K4 & K5

Rehearsal & Bible Lesson: 6:15–7:15pm
          Rehearsal - 6:15
          Bible Lesson - 6:45
Scope: September through May (mirrors Wednesday Advantage schedule)
Ages: Grades 1-2

Worship: Participate in Sanctuary and Ignite Worship services approximately three times per year. The choirs also perform at the Christmas Concert and a Children’s Choir Concert in the spring (usually a Sunday afternoon).

Contact: Susan Messer, smesser@firstpresgreenvillesmess.org.

Covenant Choir (2nd-5th Grade)

The Covenant Choir offers elementary-aged children (grades 2-5) a chance to grow in their relationship with God through music reading and singing skill development, with solo and worship opportunities.

Rehearse: Begins Wednesday, September 4, at 5:30-6:10pm in Choir Room
Scope: September through April
Worship: Sanctuary (11:00) and Ignite worship services approximately three times per year. The Covenant Choir also performs at the Christmas Concert, and presents a Sunday Worship Concert in the spring.
Ages: 2nd - 5th grades

Contact: Susan Messer, smesser@firstpresgreenville.org

Children's Opportunities

Children's Resources