By Faith...

4/15/2023 -

God often calls the most ill-prepared, hesitant, unlikely people to do extraordinary things. He insists on using those who have been wounded by life’s challenges, crippled by circumstances, and fearful about the future. Amidst such obstacles, genuine faith matures and develops as character and grit are formed. The remarkable potential that God births within each of us is explored in Hebrews 11. Here we find ordinary people who lived by faith and discovered they were capable of extraordinary things. Please join us on Sunday mornings, April through June, for this captivating and compelling series, one you will not want to miss.

Please join us on Sundays at 8:30am and 11:00am in the Sanctuary or 10:45am in the Worship & Arts Center (Ignite), or click here to join us online during the livestream services at 8:30am, 10:45am (Ignite), and 11:00am.

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